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Tech News Write for us

Twitter’s blue check marks have been something of a status symbol since they remained launched to authenticate official accounts for governments, celebrities, and journalists but under new owner Elon Musk that verification system has changed. Last week, Legacy verified Twitter users began losing their blue check marks, and this change doesn’t just affect those who fail their checks.

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It points to a more significant shift for the platform’s future with us to discuss, and then over the weekend, we saw even more exceptions and blue check marks reappeared on a bunch of celebrity and other big accounts, and many of them posted over the weekend saying they aren’t paying and they aren’t subscribing so there’s a lot of confusion right now we haven’t heard an official explanation from the company something else users of Twitter might

What Are The Gray Check Marks On Twitter Profiles?

I have noticed recently are also these gray check marks. Can you tell us what those are supposed to signify? The gray checkmarks remain considered to indicate that an account represents a government organization or government official, you’ll also see gold or yellow check marks for business accounts, and these are part of the new design that Twitter’s been rolling out. Tell us a bit more about the new strategy going.

Elon Musk’s Plan for Different Kinds of Twitter Account Labels

What is Elon Musk’s plan for these checks and new account labels? This is arguably the most prominent product change Musk has been working on since he took over Twitter. The more significant point is a shift from this old system where you had Legacy verified users who got these check marks because they were authentic and notable. It was a way to help combat impersonation to a scenario where you have to subscribe to get verification in these other features. Hence, we know some of these celebrities with the blue check marks have said that they’re not paying for it, but do we know who is paying for the blue checks? We don’t know precisely whether Twitter hasn’t publicly said the number.

How many people have signed up? We’ve seen some third-party outside research suggesting

it’s about 640 000 users today may be paying for it, and thousands more have remained gifted it. According to this external analysis, one study found that many users who bought the check marks tended to have conservative leanings talk about cryptocurrency or were fans of Musk Alexa. You mentioned that blue check marks historically were this Mark of authentication to say you know the person whose name is associated with this account is natural or the business associate.

With this account being real since these changes have started taking place, has there been any confusion about, you know, what is an official statement? We’ve already seen some impersonators, and an account was pretending to be on the New York City government. For example, it remained suspended relatively quickly but had already attracted some attention. We’ve also been watching this Saga unfold with news organizations.

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