Category: Marketing

What is Sales Promotion_

What is Sales Promotion? 

Sales promotion is one component of the marketing factor, called Promotion-Communication, where the other components are advertising, public relations, and sales. They are the main objective of driving sales. Promotional incentives must be exceptional, is an instrument to achieve short-term results. Finally, you need to…

Social Media Marketing in Research

Social Media Marketing in Research 

Definition Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing We take the approach that every organization Must deal with social media – regardless of whether social media used proactively in marketing or not. In addition, we do not see social media marketing as a pure means of…

hafele uk

Hafele UK – Tech Geeks – 2024 

Hafele UK is a subsidiary of the Hafele Group, a global company specializing in furniture fittings, architectural hardware, and access control systems. Hafele UK offers various products and services, including kitchen and bathroom fittings, sliding door systems, furniture handles and knobs, and security systems. In…