
What is a Kilometre (km)_

What is a Kilometre (km)? 

What is a Kilometre (km)? A kilometre is a unit used to measure lengths, which is equivalent to a thousand meters. It is, therefore, one of the multiples of the team known as the meter. The symbol for the kilometre is km, both singular and…

How to Become an Appointed Representative

How to Become an Appointed Representative 

Becoming an appointed representative for the intellectual property (IP) world can be a challenging task. Depending on your background, education, and experience it can be difficult to know where to begin. Appointed representatives are third-party agents that act on behalf of clients with regards to…

Benefits of learning mathematics

Benefits of Learning Mathematics 

Every element of our lives requires the use of mathematics. We are largely reliant on mathematics from the time we wake up every morning until we go to sleep each night. Let’s say we desire a morning coffee after getting up and cleaning our teeth….