Gap Analysis Write for us
GAP Analysis compares the present situation with the wanted future situation to create a series of actions that will help cover the gap (GAP) identified. It is a handy tool as part of the internal analysis of the organization. Almost every primary business assigns project managers or business analysts the responsibility of completing the gap analysis chart.
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The benefits of a gap analysis
The main benefit of a GAP analysis is that it forces you to think about the current situation, the desired future situation, the gap (gap) between the two, and your action plan clearly and well.
It also gives you a framework for people to collaborate in the first steps of creating a strategic plan. One of the challenges of involving multiple people in strategic planning is that their various approaches are incompatible. A gap analysis chart solves this problem by requiring people to answer specific questions that can form part of a cohesive strategic plan.
Finally, a gap analysis can also be used to analyze historical performance. The first time you launch a GAP analysis process, you will obtain data on the current situation of your business (both in quantitative and qualitative terms). The next time you do it, you will have baseline information to compare with the most recent performance.
How to perform a GAP analysis
The gap analysis process doesn’t have to be difficult, but before you begin, you must commit to:
Be honest when determining your shortcomings. Although it is challenging to admit failures, to carry out a practical gap analysis, you will have to be completely honest about what is not working in your organization.
Also, be honest about your strengths. Don’t be too humble about what you accomplished. You have to understand the positive aspects of your business to help focus on the hostile areas.
Be realistic. When you have advanced in your gap analysis process, you will start setting goals for the future, and these goals should be practical and pragmatic, considering your limitations.
Be specific. You will need to avoid generalizations or intangible results for each part of your GAP analysis (current situation, desired future position, and action plan). Be sure to include a mix of quantitative and qualitative measures for your current situation and future situation.
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